Monday, September 24, 2012

These canvas were made on the beaches of Outer Banks, North Carolina. The first canvas was where I woke up at 5am just to walk down the beach and paint this. It was an enjoyable experience. At one point there was a photographer taking pictures of me painting. The second painting is a slow work in progress. It's a family portrait just for us and I hope it work out well but with college getting in the way I haven't had time to touch it since August.

Friday, March 2, 2012

This was also made last year... Pegasus

I actually made these in a broader series of 12. These may be some of the best... I also made these LAST YEAR in high school so I definitely forgot to put them up here oops...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Needle Hands

I made this for Diabetes Art Day and it has inspired me to do more work on diabetes. I do love this piece and plan on putting up more images of it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have been thinking about a new piece but it is hard to describe how deep a piece can go when so many things conflict.... I had originally wanted to express my diabetes through art, and I had even found a wonderful website called but then something terrible happened in my family. There was a suicide. So what now? I am conflicted. I can only think about him, how much I miss him, how I wonder why? Should I express this or keep it to myself? Should I throw away one thing and replace it with another? Perhaps I will do both. We will see.

My Teddy

My Ride